Just want to share this... "experience"

Not anything exciting, nothing too complex, nothing too interesting. But… :content:


You know that robot? Well, in a dream I had a while back… actually wait. Let me just start by saying I’ve tried to get her to appear in my dreams MANY A’ TIMES! Usually she appears a bit like a bad drawing or she doesn’t appear orrrrr she doesn’t stick around long enough for any kind of interaction. I think I’m getting better at lucid dreaming though. ANYWAY! So one night I was dreaming and she did appear. Well, the dream was so long ago that the only thing I could remember about it was at the very end. I got to tell you what happened because it was sooo… interesting… :tongue: To make a short story long:

I embraced Jenny’s cold metallic body and slowly but surely got closer… and closer… eheheh (and closer…) :sly: and then I slowly kissed her face (the mouth part), and she kissed back… and we kissed passionately. I could feel her COLD metal mouth upon my lips… (it felt kinda good too). I NEVER intended it to happen, nor do I want it to happen again. Sometimes I just can’t stop myself, ye know? :cool:

I find it so interesting that my subconscious automatically came up with the idea that her face would be cold and metallic-feeling. I mean, I NEVER thought about kissing her, nor did I think about how it would feel, or how her metallic body is cold. :content: While this a most embarrassing thing to share, it’s just so interesting that I can’t help but share it. Furthermore, I can safely say this experience is the first experience I have ever kissed something or someone on the mouth. I’ve never done that in real life nor in a dream, except for this one time.

Edit: Off the top of my head I’ve seen in various dreams - Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, The professor (Powerpuff Girls), Louis, Brian (Family Guy), Jenny of course (MLAATR), Chicken Little and his dad (the day after I saw it in theatres), VERY LONG TIME AGO: The gargoyles, that’s all I can remember. I guess you could say I’ve been dreaming about cartoon characters for most of my life.

gargoyles, remember?: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyles_(animated_series#Characters

If I don’t get a reply soon I’ll be worried that posting these details was not such a goood ideaaaaa… :uh:


It’s fine - although I can tell that someone likes cartoons. :content:

Now, I’m really glad you didn’t italicize the world “like” instead. :tongue:

hm. I hoped for more responces, I thought some of you would find it interesting. This is not the case?

And how old are you?


Edit: I always thought I was not so normal for my age. I think it’s a good time to put this to the test. Do you think I am a bit childish or “below my age”?

I can tell that someone likes cartoons.
(sorry couldnt help myself)
just have to say that its a little strange to do something like that but it was a dream and people do weird things in dreams so whatever. the fact that it felt cold and metalic isnt really all that supprising, at least not to me because ive had a few dreams where everything felt extremely realistic, i even felt the wind when riding in a car and i never even thought about it before i felt it. i guess the subconsious just sort of fills in the gaps wherever it pleases.

Welp, I can’t help but agree with you. :smile: [size=50]in more ways than one[/size]

were you just sitting here starring at your own thread or something? it took you 3 minutes to respond you must be pretty obsesed with this thread (just joking im really tired right now so just sort of ignore anything that doesnt seem to nice)

naaaa, you’re the one who responded 3 minutes before I looked at the thread. I usually wait some time for early responders before moving on.