Hey everyone, I’m relatively new to lucid dreaming, and have been trying to get one for around a month now. Over the past 3-4 days, I’ve had three dreams in which I’ve realised I’m dreaming, but all three stopped right after I realised.
The first one was pretty much impossible to control in my situation in the dream. I was walking through a pitch black field, when I got scared, and did an RC to assure myself nothing wierd or scary would happen. After my fingers went through my hands (Wierdest feeling I’ve ever experienced) I realised I was dreaming, and looked for something to focus on. But it was pitch black, so I kind of just stood there, and went back to real life.
The second dream was on the same night, after I’d been back to bed. I go to a boarding school, and we were going to breakfast, when I started telling myfriend about the last dream I had. He then proceeded to ask me “Are you sure you’re not still dreaming”, and right after realising, I woke up. I didn’t get a chance to focus on anything, because I woke up pretty much instantly.
The third one was just last night. In my dream, me and a couple of friends invented this sport where you rode down stairs on your bike, and each set of stairs got harder and harder to ride down. I was getting impatient at one point, and so when the referee asked who wanted to go first, I went to the front. I rode a bit too fast, and stopped just before the “final level” as I saw it. Then a small section of the floor just disappeared, and I tried putting my hand on a wall in front of me for balance. The wall then fell away from me, and knocked over another wall behind it. I tried not to fall to the bottom, but toppled over, at which point I became almost lucid. (I said “I won’t hurt myself because this is a dream”) I then hit the bottom, died, and woke up.
These three scenarios were all quite annoying, because I achieved at least some form of lucidity in all three, but woke up at most a couple of seconds afterwards. Does anyone have ay tips on how to make one last longer if I achieve it again?
Thanks in advance for any replies