Kind of headache question (maybe not really lucid related)

Sometimes i find that when i am trying to go to sleep (which i am not very good at, it can take me hours to get to sleep despite being very tired) i sometimes feel that inside my head, a sort of pressure is building up and there is a definite limit that i can reach but i have never gone to this limit as i am scared of what might happen if i do. When building up this ‘pressure’ i am normally concentrating hard and my breathing seems to slow. I was just wondering if anyone had some ideas of what this may be or have experienced it themselves, and does anyone know if reaching the ‘limit’ i can feel, could perhaps harm me or is it merely just a way of falling asleep?

Thanks in advance for any responses

What kind of pressure is this? Is is emotional, like a building stress level, or is it more physical, like sinus pressure?

I don’t think it is harmful. The human body does everything it can to protect itself. I think if this pressure, whether emotional or physical were to reach a critical threshold, then some kind of regulatory mechanism would kick in.

If you have that kind of tension just relax let sleep come normally and don’t think of your next day- problems. If you concentrate in pain, pain will come;if you concentrate in relaxation, relaxation will come. The mind is the most powerful
thing in earth so with it you can do everything. If really think you can do it you will cuz your telling your mind to do it.