Very weird experience for me last night that i had to share to see if anyone else has had something similar. I was having a very long and vivid normal dream last night and like a quarter of the way threw the dream i knew in my head, and kept reminding myself, of the exact outcome of the dream. i knew exactly what was going to happen at the end and it did. and it wasnt just like a little thing i knew that was going to happen, i knew like the entire scene and all of the events in it etc…i dont think i ever had the same dream in the past so how would i know…if only i kept reminding myself that i was dreaming…
Something alot like that happened to me a few nights ago. In a dream (not lucid) I could remember what was going to happen. Then in the dream I was able to do something differently to affect the outcome of the dream, yet even with the cause changed, the effect stayed the same. A little later on I realized that if I could remember the future then I must be dreaming. I used that to start my 2nd lucid dream YAY!
Yes, I’ve had this before. When you wake up it kinda freaks yu out. I guess you can know what is going to happen because it is your brains creation. SOmebody like Atheist might know better thouggh.
it’s likely that you have had the dream before possibly one that you didn’t remember on waking but of course would have still been in your subconscious mind and as such when you had the dream again you knew what was going to happen.
I have this on occations as i sometimes have a dream that i had years ago, and i vaguely remember it and it’s usually identical to the original dream (i often check through my Dream Diary when i have these experiences just in case)