I Had a thought after reading someones post, he had done a reality check but nothing unusual happened, but in the dream he realised he was dreaming, but could not become “Lucid”.
My question is this:
If the above happened, does that mean your dreaming about yourself dreaming? As in, in your dream your dreaming (INCEPTION!! lol). And can this happen alot? Dreaming about dreaming? Because it sounds pretty cool but at the same time annoying.
The most annoying dream to happen to you is that you are dreaming that someone is giving you a presentation about dreaming, and still not being able to become lucid. Happened to me a few days ago. I was so annoyed in the morning.
Consciousness in dreams comes in many degrees, it’s all about being able to raise yours at any time and that comes with awareness, the more you pay attention to what’s happening, the more you are able to come to your (dream) senses and raise your lucidity.
Psh my dream was the most annoying. I was writing in my dream journal, in a dream, and I was writing about the dream I was in!!! I woke up and slapped myself for being so stupid
Ok, I gotta say I would not won’t to dream this (probably its now in my SC and I will dream it, but I’m not going to dream it tonight because I actually told myself I will dream it, but I will dream it once I know it 100%).
Ditto. There’s low-level lucidity, where you’re staggering around like a drunk not knowing what to do… All the way up to super-high-level lucidity where you can think more clearly than you can in waking life.
It’s also possible to lose lucidity – I tend to recall those dreams much like normal dreams… They don’t have the same “Wow!” factor as those that have been carried through 'til waking. False awakenings can blow it too.
First of all, knowing you’re dreaming IS lucidity But I know what you mean. The above posts explain it pretty well. FLD’s are these dreams were you act as you’re lucid but you aren’t.
Another thing, although very irritating, dreaming about dream presentations or writing in your DJ is a GOOD sign! It means dreams are on your mind and it means your SC is starting to give you hints So don’t be mad, your SC might think you don’t want LD’s!
So far most of my lcuid dreams have been false awakenings, I just wake up knowing im dreaming, or sometimes I takes a few seconds for me to do a RC if I dont just know im dreaming