Last night I almost had my first LD...

Later that night, right before going to bed, I ate a banana, after eating a sandwich with a glass of milk about half-an-hour before. I go to bed, feeling very confident that I will have a dream tonight, after reading up on the subject for about 3 hours and eating nutrients that might help with the process.

I lay down with the intention of doing a MILD, and I start off doing so, but then I when I think that I can try a WILD, because I’m actually counting something and telling myself that I’m dreaming, I start counting, imagining I’m walking down stairs, with each step counting as a number, and reminding myself that I will dream, then wake up and remember my dream. This continues for about 10 mins, and then I start to feel as though the room is shaking. I tell myself that I must be starting the 1st stage of sleep, because my eyes must be starting to roll. This is weird though, because I was still conscious. Another couple of minutes after, I guess I must have entered the 2nd stage, because the room stopped moving, or at least it felt like it. This is when I think I start to see hypogonic images, but I only see 2 in all. The first was a kinda faded picture of a kitchen. The next was extremely clear and close-up picture of a PS2 controller, with it being tilted and the center of the image focused on the “select” and “start” buttons. Only a second after seeing the image, I discover that I’m beginning to dream! I become excited! I wasn’t even thinking of this, but it makes sense that it would show up because i had played PS2 with my friend for 2 hours that day, so…

Anyway, this is when I get mad :grrr: . When I see the very clear PS2 controller, I try to focus in on it and pretend like I’m holding it in my hand, in the kitchen. But I realize that my heart is beating very fast now, and I loose my concentration, and the image is lost :sad: . I open my eyes, and just wondered what the hell had happened. Then I go back to sleep, but I never thought of the controller again (I really should have, and now I realize I could have changed the process into MILD and probably had my first lucid dream :grrr: ). I end up waking up every 3 or 4 hours later throughout the night, not with an alarm clock, but because I am sick now. I never recalled any dreams that night except for the 2 images.

Did I go straight from the 2nd stage of sleep, during using WILD, straight through a very fast 3rd, 4th, and onto the 5th stage of sleep? It seems probable. Did I get close to finishing the WILD technique? I don’t know. I didn’t bother to write this down in my journal either, because I don’t consider it a real dream. I hope I’m more successful tonight using MILD. :grin:


I read this earlier but my internet has been screwing up. I’m new to this whole thing myself really but I tried a WILD myself and it was somewhat similar to yours… I never got to any “images” stage but well I did start to just see “white” instead of whatever I was dreaming before it happened as my eyes were shaking and my body was feeling as if it was being pulled backward.

I suggest you keep trying as that’s what i’ll be doing. One day we’ll get it right and then from there we just have to keep trying – goodluck!

Hi. :smile:

That was hypnagogic imagery or the start of a dream, and that means you were very close to doing a successful WILD. Very, very close. The problem was that you became too excited, and that caused the dream to end.

Hope you’re feeling better… :yuck:

Dang … HI ~ where are you!

Man, that’s pretty sweet if I can almost do a successful WILD on my first night :grin: . Anyway, the night after I did try a MILD, and I had my first lucid! :smile:. It was pretty faint, but I remember having a FA, and thinking that my mom had just come in to wake me up for school, usually when my alarm doesn’t go off…but when she woke me up, I pulled back my covers and immediately looked down at my hands, out of instinct. My left hand was missing a pinky! I realized I was dreaming, so just to confirm, I did a hold-the-nose-and-breathe reality check, and I could breathe :cool_laugh: ! I get up out of my bed, yell to my mom that I’m dreaming, and try to yell “Increase lucidity by 1000X!” But I think it didn’t do much, then I tried to spin to increase the vividness, because I must have entered at a low lucid level. The last thing I remember doing is spinning. Then I lost control, and I just continued to have a vivid dream. When i woke up, I write down as much as I could, but know I was missing chunks of my dream. I have a faint memory of flying, but I’m not really sure.

So I need to increase my dream recall, definitely. I think I’m just going to try and perfect WILDing now. I try a VILD and a MILD last night, but to no avail. I didn’t remember anything. :sad: