laying still for hours in bed so REM begins immediately

Ok I have never posted this way which seems to have gotten me long LDs on 4 different occasions because I don’t want anyone to try it, nor do I reccomend it. The only reason I am posting it is really to find out why it seems to work or if anyone else has experienced it. Again don’t try it it may be a waste, a big waste of a night and make you feel like poo in the morning.

I have never done this on purpose except once, and even though I had LDs I regretted it. You see, I have insomnia sometimes and can never, never, ever,ever, never, ever get to sleep. I just lie in my bed, usually motionless until uncomfortable and move around until comfortable again, desperate to go to sleep. I try to go to sleep but cannot. I think the key to why this method may work is because I dont get up, I just remain in bed wide awake. I lie in bed for about 4 to 5 hours, this is why I highly don’t reccomend this method. Then, all of a sudden, every time its happened REM just whacks me while wide awake, I feel my body go into SP like a train hit me. My toes feel completly numb, and in less than 5 secs my whole body is under. Eyes open or eyes closed, a dreamscape will appear, I close them quick if they are open. I remember the first time this happened I was shocked, I was playing in my den on a TV, but could also faintly see my cieling. ANd so, its like an instant WILD achieved through tedious hours of denying REM. I personally think this happens because you deny REM so long it just forces it on you. Anyways, the LDs wern’t that great, it consisted of being in the dream for 30 secs and waking up (the story of my LD life), the thing is though REM will just reforce itself on me. I woke up a good 20 times last night and instantly was able to reenter the dream in a few secs. Eventually my arm was hurting from being in the same position, I rolled to my other side and sure enough again back in a few seconds.

Has anyone experienced this or know what causes it?

I’d like to once again not reccomend this to anyone, I know if I read a post like this I may want to try it, but just note, I have no idea if it would work for other people or if you need to have insomnia to get it. For example I have stayed up long nights, much longer than 4 to 5 hours, and not entered REM anyway near that fast. The whole night I am trying, wanting, with all my might to go to sleep but CANNOT. I think thats a major factor which adds to its success.

I think I will also name this method IILD, Insomniac Induced Lucid Dream :smile:

It’s definitely the case that sleep deprivation makes you skip the deeper sleep stages and sometimes go straight into REM. It seems that when you haven’t had enough sleep, it’s REM that the brain wants the most. But it amazes me how you’re able to stay conscious after trying to fall asleep for so long. Your insomnia must be quite tough. :bored:

I’m glad I don’t have insomnia. I thought taking an hour to get to sleep was bad…

Well I rarely have insomnia, the thing that made me have it so bad was mainly phycological. I only have insomnia when I wake up and my brain is too stessed to get back to sleep and thinks unconrtolably. The other 3 times have been during the school year before big tests, this one was an image of these four large caves in my mouth that are hurting like crazy and driving me crazy (wisdom teeth removed). I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. It started with me feeling strongly numb, almost painfully numb and then I saw with my eyes open what looked like blue circle on a computer screen, pixels that were half an inch thick in my vision. I entered REM soon after fully conscience, like a WILD that takes 5 hours. I had good LDs at the end of it though, the beginning was bad I woke up every 15 secs, but at end I could stay in for 5 mins (one of the longer LDs of mine). I don’t enjoy doing it, insomnia sucks, trying to go to sleep but can’t.

That is pretty crazy… Perhaps REM is so important to your body that it will force you to go through with it weather you are awake or not? :shrug:

ive noticed when i cant get to sleep for 2and 1/2 hours i usualy laps stright into dreams but then wake up like a second has passed. but the memory of the dream is just a film real of flashing images

At times, i’ll lay in bed for hours on end not ebing able to sleep. I feel too “aware” to fall asleep. The longest I have ever layed there was maybe 3 hrs. never went as long as you. Might have to attempt it one night if I have the patience. Do you lay there deeply relaxed, with a heavy feeling, or uncomfortable the whole time?

the worst insomnia ive ever had skipped me 9 hours after my bedtime but that was a realy long time agoand that day i think i had a nap

I say Im completly relaxed, or at least have minimal movement the whole time. Im trying to go to sleep when it happens, not just lying there. I sit still and close eyes and try to get to sleep but cant

I will admit, me with insomnia has made it easier for me to LD. If you ever saw me IRL, you would see these black circles under my eyes from never getting sleep. Although, I’ve slowly trying to recover myself from insomnia. I’ll find one way or another to LD easily again.

I suffer usually from Imsomnia. It’s very unconfortable because so late at night I can’t do anything. I couldl be doing another thing, but my parents don’t like me to be watching tv or using the computer after midnight :meh: