LD every night, how to achieve it?

Hey there

I’m new to this forum, so hello everybody!

I basically came here cause I want to learn to LD every night or at will. I have some experience with LD, I had about 50 LD’s or so. But I havent figured out a reliable way to induce them. also I’m confused what techique I should use. For example I figured: “Ah just program yourself to do a reality check very time you open a door (for example) and you’ll have a lot of LD’s” but from searching some froums I learned that this seems not to work, cause the brain will eleminate doors from the dreams after some time! Reality checks seems not the way to go :frowning:
So me question goes to all the LD’s how learned to induce LD at will but who are not natural born Lucid dreamers.
How did you get there? what techiques do you use? what must I do to LD at will?
Hope somebody can help me. Thanks all!
Cheers Tom

Well done on the 50 LD’s you’ve had naturally :smile:. That’s quite an achievement :cool:.

If you go to the main site, you’ll find a section called ‘inducing’ (I think) from which there’s a description of the two most popular techniques (MILD and WILD), both of which work best along with WBTB.

RC’s do work very well (for most people anyway), but are best used in conjuction with MILD/WILD and WBTB :smile:.

I also suggest you keep a DJ (which are very helpful in increasing DR and improving your chances of becoming lucid).

Hi tombo ! Welcome to the forum ! :wave:
Some people on the forum are rather good dreamers and can LD almost at will… if we believe the monthly Competition Rankings! :tongue:
I hope they will answer to your question… :wink:
You can perhaps find some info on this thread :
True LD at will
Some techniques which are said to allow LD at will are :

  • MILD (Stephen Laberge said he could LD at will with it)
  • VILD, though there has been some controversy about it…
  • and of course WILD

go for the VILD, son…

Hi tombo, In a way I am like you I had many LDs ‘naturally’ as you said then I tried the inducing techniques. Let me tell you what worked best for me … not those techniques but the ideea itself of lucid dreaming. ‘Naturally’ isn’t quite ‘naturally’ … If I read everyday on this forum about people having lucid dreams, if I read web sites or books about how it is posible to have lucid dreams, it I read back in the jurnals my lucid dreams, that’s what is helping me most to lucid dream.

Thanks for the warm welcome :smile:

I guess I expressed myself a bit unclear…Unfortunately I’m not a natural LD.
My story goes like this. I read Laberges book about 2 years ago, then I practiced some tipps and had a couple of LD’s most of them I had using a affirmation like “I’ll have a LD” or something. I can’t even remember exactly what it was :cry:
Then I somehow lost interest in LD and my Ld’s disappeared.
about 4 weeks ago I decided to really learn how to LD more or less at will, Stephen Laberge wrote in his book that one can learn LD like a language, so here I am willing to learn, very motivated.
I did a lot of reality checks and affirmations within the last 4 weeks but didn’t have a LD so far! Why could that be?
I’ll try MILD I guess and WBTB and keep a dream journal sooner or later I must have a LD right?! I believe as soon as I start to have a couple of LD I’m on the right track.

I’m looking for like a manual or something which I can follow, it might be hard doesn’t matter but Imust be pretty sure it pays of. which I can follow and then I’ll sooner or later will have a lot of LD’s

VILD sounds fascinating but there don’t seem to be alot of people around that had succes with this method! Pedro! But who else?!
It seems to me like a lot of people gave it a try but none succeded, which is kind a strange.

Hope anybody reads this!

Cheers Tom!

Today, somebody just succeeded with VILD on his first try. And I’ve a friend who had some success with it. But you’re right, this technique seems not to be very efficient for most people.

When I practised WBTB with MILD or autosuggestion, it gave me rather good results (7 LD’s a month was my best score). I think a dream journal is very important, too.
I’m quite sure you’ll have a LD soon if you persist.
Good luck ! :smile:

For the record, in EWLD LaBerge quite commonly talked about ‘incurburating a dream in which you become lucid’, which is VILD at it’s most basic.

Freecube and R3TRO did very well with VILd, in only a couple of months. It seem all the masters use VILD, and acheived thier high level of proficiency in only a few months.

ah, ok thats interessting. I’ll going to integrate VILD into my practice, doing it every night, before I fall asleep. then I can still do the MILD-technique after I go to the bathroom at night (I always wake up during the night) What you all think about that?

Last night a I did the MILD technique. I didn’t become lucid but a had a dream were I was sitting in a bus and the whole drive I was doing the MILD-technique! Isn’t that ironic?!

lol, now thats a boring dream! hehehhehe. well that means your’e doing well, mut you gotta MEAAAN ITTT whan you repeatit!!!

Had a LD this night! Thanks fot the advices!
Did the MILD techinque had a WILD though…Well anyways LD = LD…