LD or not??

okay, i’m really new to LDing, and i think i had something like it.

i’ll spare the details of the actual dream itself, but i was consciously reworking bits of it, like the way i worded a conversation, maybe even starting it over completely. or an action, redoing it a different way.
i wasn’t exactly conscious that i was dreaming, but i was conscious of the fact that i could change things. does this count? :help:

Thats a FLD, where you are not concious but still control your dream to an extent. For it to be a LD you have to know you are dreaming. You will know for sure when this happens, it feels completely different. My first time I think I actually did a little dance and said “HA! I’m dreaming!”

not a lucid dream, but very close!
just put things together a little more.
next time something weird happens like that think through why it could be happening. Hopefully soon the answer will be that your dreaming!