LD theory regarding to more convenient Dreamworld Recall

well… first the LD where I thought of this theory!
During last night’s LD, I had a chat with my enigmatic DC, Bubbles. We were walking through a “Dead” wormhole that had “closed down due to lack of business and toll-fee payments”. shrugs I guess it was a government sponsored wormhole that people just didn’t like to use? hahaha.

A few of my LD skills can be accessed by connecting ideas and memories with dream objects. Like how keepsakes remind us of memories and then we think back on those memories and we can see the imagery in our minds and etc–that kind of connecting ideas and memories with objects!
So–I’ve used dream objects such as my “Dream clock”–which looks just like, well what do ya know, a clock–and it helps me extend dreamtime (refer to my Massive LD experiment topic). And there’s my “silver-pyrite” coin of power which helps me fly. That’s all I have regarding abilities connected with dream objects, but now I want to add another!

A photo album containing pictures of my dreamscapes, especially my DreamWorld that I had built. With this photo album, by using a picture as a visual reference and a way of reinforcing memory of the place, it SHOULD make it easier for me to return to my DreamWorld without as much time needed to remember all of it. I mean, now it’s pretty easy to recall the DreamWorld and its details, but during the earlier times after I had just made it, it was inconveniently time-consuming to just recall the whole world back before I could return to it in my LDs; now it just takes a few minutes before I’m falling through the sky and down towards a city in my DreamWorld… or a mountain like three nights ago before reaching the city. So if this theory works, it’ll just make things more convenient for me… But it will be FUN!!! :slight_smile:

But yeah, my THEORY = PHOTO ALBUM = Easier way to access Dreamscapes and DreamWorld.

:slight_smile: I’ll begin my attempts at making the photo album teleporter thingy tonight!!!

Wish me luck!! :content:

Sounds pretty cool, thats a good idea for dreamscapes, since mine are so boring :tongue:

Good luck, Writerscube! ^^