LD4all Dream Divination Group #1

I found this on another forum, and thought it would be fun! Here’s how it works:

We have a querent, they ask a question that they would like answered, as if they were consulting a crystal ball psychic or tarot card reader.

The rest in the group keep in mind the querent and the question before they sleep. They dream for them. We all have one week to log our dreams here, at least one dream each. The querent gives feedback on those dreams: how it applies to their situation, what they interpreted in the messages of those dreams as if it were theirs.

When the week is up, the next querent steps forwards to ask their question. It will keep us motivated to remember our dreams. Since it’s December and the holiday cluster will keep us busy, I thought to start small. I’ll be offering the third question, but will be dream-logging all the way through.

  1. EllyEve