LD4all, how i feel

I just felt overwhelmed by this and had to put it somewhere. :smile:

This is the first forum I have ever been a part of, when I first joined there was only positive post and very helpful information. I never saw anyone get rude or start to insult eachother. It didn’t occur to me until I started seeking more information and started taking part more in my own education. On other forums I found what I was looking for but would constantly be distracted by rude posters and immature people trying to stop what they saw as wrong.

I may just be rambling on or something, but I just wanted to post about how much I like it here.

i agree completley. I have been on 1 other forum about lucid dreaming and was disgusted with it. Ld4all is a sanctuary…thank you ld4all Chuck norris thumbs up :ok:

Yes, LD4all is a good forum. I post on a few other forums as well (though not as regularly as here) and some of them are appalling, with people insulting each other, really vulgar swearing everywhere and so on.

I think it helps that most members here are quite intelligent, and not prone to bad spelling. In my experience, it’s the bad spellers (non-native English speakers are excused, however) who are most likely to think they’re god on earth and need to be worshipped by their fellow forum members (who, of course, don’t, which inevitably starts a flame war).

Yes, LD4all is a nice place to post. :smile:

That’s why i post here! It’s a fun forum…people are friendly…nice place. Can get proper tips too…hee. Compared to some of the other places I’ve been to…-_-"

In fact I’m normally not this posty =P

I agree completely with what everyone here has had to say. After all, it’s the members of this forum that make it such a great place. :grin: Perhaps the smileys, too. :cool:

To be honest with all of you, I don’t think there is any other forum that I could ever manage to reach over 2,000 posts on. :roll: There are some decent forums out there; I found one that was mostly about astral projection, (although there are also subforums for lucid dreaming and meditation as well) but I’m just not very active there. It’s okay, but there’s just something missing that doesn’t make it as worthy as LD4all. :uh:

Could it be the cookies? :grin:

Ive been to a tibia forum :

Everywhere some IDIOTS (inside the forum called noobs :wink: ) flaming spamming and using rude language.

But there is some ok guys there

Yeah and ld4all is free for :

l33t skill advanchse !!!111!!!


N00b ! I english know how to speak !

JesseRevis! Would that be the same one from PsiPog?

This forum is definitely the most freindly one I have ever found. Very nice atmosphere. Great for learning.

haha The very same from Psipog. Thats one of the sites I’m talking about. They have reliable information and people who know what they are doing. But I’ve seen mods act like children over small issues. And they constantly have 13 year old kids who dont like punctuation or fully spelling out words. But it has good information and I enjoy being one of the few who can actually answer dream related questions. :content:

I’ve only ever been on one oother forum with this kind of intelligent conversation, but that was only because you would get banned for things as little as having more than 3 typos in a post.

Uhm, you people seriously join wrong forums =X I dont know about you, but all the other forums I’m on are ok too, no flaming, friendly people good discussions at times; conclusion: LD4all members can’ t seem to find good forums, (theres loads of them out there :smile: ) xD

But yeah Ld4all is ok I guess :razz:

/me runs from Q

lol, Wyrmfell, are you talking about the Videogame pianist forums?

Anyway, I agree with what’s been said. Like I’ve said a bunch of times before, this is by far the friendliest forum I know. (And trust me, I’ve been on a TON of forums.) I’m not saying the ones I’ve been to are bad, this is just the best one.

Its good to see everyone agrees, maybe that explains the friendly atmosphere. :grin:

Yeah, PsiPog only recently added the dream stuff, and they don’t have very much information on it, so everybody is pretty much ignorant. Or a great majority of them anyways. I like answering questions as well. Join me, and together, we will make the Dream Phenomenon section reasonably intelligent!

I agree too. I’ve never been insulted here. However my spelling is atrocious at times, when I’m in a hurry to get a point across. I guess its just my passion - I have a thought and want to get it down as quickly as possible!

But anyway, enough rambling… :content:

The best part is that this forum is full of people that know how to have fun =D

So guys !

Lets keep the flamers out of this forum :content:

/me goes gets guns

Get me a flamethrower! I’ll FLAME the flamers!

This is a much more friendly community than I’ve seen on other internet forums. One good quality is that people tend to be lenient when it comes to posters using bad grammar or making a MILD topic for the millionth time. I think newcomers are pleased by that cordial attitude and are inclined to act in kind and contribute to the friendly atmosphere.

That must be it, but I guess everyone here knows that they don’t originally speak english. Or that they are kids who use it quite often. Haha either way I can understand it, I use it to for AIM.

Eversince I’m here, I feel how everybody acts like humans, unlike on these other forums. Gosh, the Dream Theater forums, they are a pure mess, if people ask in the sub-forum of an album something about that album, there are tons of sarcastic answers, just because the people don’t think there how it would be if they were persons like that. But they aren’t and that’s a good thing for them. They are amazing with their huge postcounts. I have seen this on other forums too and I adore the people on, and the work for this forum.

LD4ALL rules. :ok: