LDing in an LD?

What happens when you lucid dream in a lucid dream? Is it even possible? I personally think this could be used to access a higher level of conciousness, like having a normal LD shows you dreamsigns and whatnot. This is a purely hypothetical question for me, as I’m still working on my first LD, but what do all you experienced folk think? Once I have an LD I’m gonna try this.

You mean you wanna go to sleep in the LD and then pray that you become lucid in the new dream?

Personally, all I think will happen is that you’ll lose some (or all) of your lucidity. Well, either that, or you’ll wake up…

im working on that right now actually, ive gotten close but so far ive only been able to have dreams within my LDs.

Maybe tonight!

R3tro: try doing WILD in an LD. It should be easier than in real life (as your already asleep). Hopefully you’ll then LD in an LD (I still don’t see the point… but meh)


i just havent tryed to get one yet, i could if i wanted, but id ont know that i want to.

Really the only reason that i sleep in a ld in the firt place is because i get tired in the LD. I spend 15 days dreamtime LDing, so sometimes i just want to have a normal dream within my LD.

Its a weird consept, and it really screws over your recall when you wake upe and rememeber that your had a LD and the have to recall like 25 dreams from within your Dream, it like Nyah! so much to remember!

I’ve LDed in an LD, then I had a LD in that. It was crazy cool :smile: All should try.

*Just a little note, I didnt count it as 3 LDs, I counted it as one.

Has anybody found themself sleeping in the first LD when in the second LD? I wonder if that’s even possible. If it is, then you could be in two places at once if you use “lucidity power” to wake yourself up and not disappear from the 2nd dream (after all, its a lucid dream and you can do anything). That would get crazy confusing though. And hard to remember.

Yeah i did that last night, and my recall was like AHHHH!!!

im serious I had no idea which was which.

I’d say you’d wake up

What makes you say that? Do you think the dreams would cancel each other out?

Ummm no, why would I have been able to do it if i woke up…

that doesnt make any sense, because i have done it, in fact i did it again last night.

He says that, cos for some people, closing your eyes will make you wake up. Same thing with going to sleep. I remember Pedro use to go to sleep in his LD’s to wake himself up when he thought he’d had enough.

To be fair though - it’s all down to what you expect. R3tro obviously hadn’t heard that closing your eyes or going to sleep will wake you up, so it doesn’t. Instead, he expects to enter a new dream - which he does.

It’s all down to the placebo effect (infact, everything in dreams is down to the placebo effect…) :wink:.

A LD in a LD is the same as a LD. Sounds difficult or easy but thats what it is, there’s no difference. When you dream in a LD that you enter a LD you simply change the envrironment (perhaps a good tech to create new stuff?).

I agree with Xetrov. An LD in an LD is just an LD. Because don’t forget. If you have an FA, and your still lucid, then you’ve not actually woken up, the dream scene has just changed.

So theoreticly it is just one big LD.

If you dream about lucid dreaming whilst in a dream, then it is just a dream within a dream, and so, again, a false awakeneing.

Well explained Technodreamer. :smile: That’s just about word for word what I was going to say. I’ve had many lucid dreams as the result of a false awakening and performing a reality check. Anytime I wanted the current scenario to end, I’d Just close my eyes(my personal thing) and “wake up” in my bed, do a reality check, repeat, over and over like 12 times. So that’s pretty much the concept of LD’ing in a LD. Like they’ve said, it’s about what you expect…if I had expected to wake up IRL then that’s exactly what would have happened. Anyways, off to bed to try to nail down this DAMN WILD technique. :stuck_out_tongue:


If the idea of this is to somehow access ‘higher’ (or just plain different) types of lucidity then I’d also suggest trying to become lucid in successive false awakenings.

This is because, in my experience, when you have a FA the dream ups the realism a notch, seemingly in an effort to convine you you are awake. “Ah, well I must be awake now because everything is a lot more stable and clear”. So if you can become lucid yet again, and then again, who knows where you’d end up. Similar principle to the ld within ld within ld.