LDing Troubles

I’ve been off and on with this website for well over two years now and I’ve decided to come back (Not that there is anything wrong with the community or anything, it’s just I’ve been busy doing other stuff) because I’m having an LD dilemma that is like my relationship with this website: off and on. Now the last LD I had was months ago but it was really good but other than that I have had no lucid dreams and I generally at least get low lucidity lucid dreams from time to time. I’ve been keeping a dream journal and doing my regular thing that I’ve always done but they just aren’t coming back. I have even tried taking breaks for a couple of weeks at a time but that doesn’t seem to do anything as well. If I could get some help from this wonderful community I would be very grateful!

It’s very normal to have dryspells from time to time, so don’t worry about it.

I believe that it’s important to never feel stressed about LD’ing, it should be something you enjoy working for without feeling worried whether or not you’re going to get them.
You should also always make sure to prove to yourself that you are awake everytime you wake up, because if you do this for a few days or weeks you will eventually start having FA’s where you also do those checks.

Personally I like working actively on a DJ and with LL at the same time, I believe that doing those two things at once increases your awareness by a ton.
And if you want extra good chances you can of course also do the WBTB + MILD everytime you wake up in the middle of the night.