I prefered to split your question from the Acronyms topic cause the Acronyms thread is more about proposing and discussing new acronyms on the forum.
heey everyone! im new here… so had a question about
FLD? can someone explain that in a more indepth way because i THINK im LD or its FLD …
because usually when i fall into a dream im aware that im dreaming usually im always aware that im dreaming…either that or i THINK im aware but im not? because when i im about to wake up im recall everything very vividly and replay the story in my head…
but thing is is that i don’t fully control the dream and manipulate it to what i want…i sort of allow what w/e to happen (go with the flow) as see what happens…its like im watching my own movie? but the maniplute little things…
so is that LD?
because i always thought i was LD but then when i came along the term FLD it made me quesion my dreaming… ><
that would be LD … since you are aware you are dreaming.
The amount of control you use on a dream is optional, some prefer to go along with the dream and just change small things just like you do
A false LD … you are using lucid powers but do not really understand that you are really dreaming.
It’s not because you recall you dream very vividly and replay the story in your head when you wake up that you were lucid. Of course, we are certainly a little conscious when we dream, otherwise we wouldn’t recall dreams.
But if you realize that you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming, that is you say “Hey! I’m dreaming!” or “I could do this cause it’s a dream”, then you’re lucid. I’ve the feeling that your lucidity level is rather low and you should enhance it by performing reality checks when you realize you’re dreaming or by planning something to do next time you’ll realize it’s a dream. I hope this will give you more control on your dreams. Good luck!