leaving dream views

Well… I might help you on DreamBase
(Did you notice we’re both in New Zealand?)

Oh wow I didn’t notice! :o

Do you allow horny men to post tactful and humorous hookup threads at your forum, in case I am thinking of signing up?

  • DreamBliss

DreamBliss: …o.O

Everyone else: Welcome :handshake:

Ohh loaf whats the url to your website?

just a note to dreambliss.

it is certainly not allowed on ld4all. our members span a wide range of ages, and many are underage. a pickup topic, especially in the way you hint to in the last post, would also be deleted here.

sorry for the lack of proper formatting in this post, it is posted from a not very cooperative phone.

there is a big my website topic in the gathering. i don’t have the url in my head, but a search will find it quickly. the gathering section is members only, so posting links in there instead means among other things a lesser chance of spambots finding your site.

I got an email saying something about DV being hacked. I haven’t been on it in ages anyway. In my opinion, nothing beats LD4all!

I wasn’t going to post it since it seems a little disrespectful to do so in a community I’m a lurker in. But its well cached by Google so, you can find it yourself easily if you wanted to.

Might have a look there then if there is an official place for it.

Hey Loaf you didn’t answer my question (I was being serious.)


I’m a little confused here… When talking about dreams and astral projection sex naturally comes into the subject. Do you sensor all of that to protect your younger members? Also why don’t you have an age restriction or a disclaimer or something? Finally you do realize that by censoring any adult content, you are only going to make younger forum members more interested in it?

Anyone here remember the whole "nude Laura Croft (Tomb Raider) phase? Or how about the “Hot Coffee” mod in Grand theft auto. Both classic examples of what happens when you censor certain subjects.

Now I’m not arguing here because I can’t post a hookup thread. In fact I am glad you informed me of this site’s rules regarding this. But I do want to understand why this site has taken that stance, because it excludes so much for so little.

Somewhere out there is a dream/astral projection/spiritual matter forums that doesn’t exclude the base physical… If anyone has a link please post it here or PM it to me!

  • DreamBliss

@Dreambliss the rules are quite clear on what we allow and what we don’t allow. Discussion about those rules is not necessary in any topic and will therefore be removed.
If you don’t agree with the rules here feel free to go elsewhere.

@everyone: please try to keep this one on topic as it seems this discussion is about 3 different subjects now. Expect this thread to be merged or split into separate discussions.

It’s an old topic from two years ago, Loaf has been directed to the big website topic. So I’ll lock, but if anyone wants to create a ‘missing DV topic’ or ‘What you love or hate about DV’ topic just go ahead and do it :wink: