Letting it grow!

When I saw the change for the Moon’s Quest I hadn’t realised at that point that it was an old one becuase of the temporary server and I had missed this particular quest the first time round.

However, I decided to have a go as it sounded quite fun without being too difficult but so far I have failed to remember after I have drifted off to sleep and have had no lucid or even slightly lucid dreams where I have done anything with plants or seeds…

BUT! This morning after waking and drifting back to sleep I’ve had my first LD for ages! :grin: And even more remarkably I remembered to find a seed to plant. Unfortunately there were none in my pockets but there was a greenhouse, but I got side-tracked going to it and when I tried to go back it had vanished. I am so happy I came so close to suc-seed-ing(!) that I really enjoyed it even though nothing spectacular happened in the dream and just had to share it with you :grin: