Limbs moving

This morning when was trying to WILD after 1\2h later my legs was kinda twitching and started to rise without me controlling them :eh: yesterday it was my middlefinger moving :confused: now is this normal symptom of falling asleep? have anyone else had this kinda stuff? (i soon got up from the bed after this happened because my sleeping music suddenly stopped playing)

ps.sorry if my engilsh is bad i’m finnish :smile:

Yes Raaq, that is normal when you are trying to WILD. It is part of the first big problem with WILD, geting relaxed enough. On the up side, when this starts happening you are very close to getting relaxed enough. :content:
When you can get past this, then you should start getting HH. (This could also be somatic HH, ie. you might be feeling something that is not realy there. Then you would be even closer.) Once you start having HH, then you are very close. That means that you are in the transition stage between awake and asleep. By this time, if you are not doing WILD, you are no longer aware lf what you are doing and would soon be asleep.
So keep it up, and you will soon have your first succesfull WILD. :grin:

I’ve experienced this too. For no reason my leg or arm just moves. not twitching but really moving. It’s the effect of different areas in your brain not communicating.(it’s normal when falling asleep) Your leg moves but you don’t experience that it’s you who is moving it. It has ruined some HI for me when my stupid arm reached out to touch it. It was ME doing it but I didn’t know it was me. Ofcourse. when I moved I snapped out of the HH.

cool to hear that i’m getting even somewhere near close :smile: maybe next time i will get even closer if i remember to put my mp3 player to loop and be able to stay focused (of course the music is not that important but still):stuck_out_tongue: