Hello all, I have no idea how active this community is but I was wondering if I could get some insight on my first lucid dream, now mind you it is bizarre. It started out as an odd dream. I am going to cut the details short to save a heavy reading, but basically, my dream was very strange and I was in a “groundhog day” movie kind of scenario; if you have seen that movie you will understand. long story short my tongue was swollen and I would talk with a lisp unless I raised my voice and my goal was to go to the hospital, but every time I tried to go some very bizarre things would happen in my dream and then I would wake up in my dream to my alarm and have to start all over again. This kept repeating and I started becoming aware of how things were not normal. so then once I was self-aware, I literally thought about how if I am in my dream I can control it, so I just said “There is a fireball in my hand” and there it was hovering in my hand, I threw it and it was so cool and then I was able to finally control what happened in my dream and my struggle getting to the hospital finally worked out because I said, “I am going to the hospital” and then there I was. After that, I am going into a hospital room and my girlfriend is there naked laying on her stomach with a nurse’s coat on. In the dream it was her but she was not my girlfriend in it, she was just a nurse but I was aware that it was my girlfriend Brooke. I thought it was her because it looked like her from behind, so I said to myself in my head (oh ■■■■ Brooke is in my dream, this could be interesting). she was lying on her stomach with this long nurse coat on that had a blue heart and a blue sexy demon inside the heart patched on the back of the coat, I said hello and she turned around and her skin was blue and I could see everything since the coat was unbuttoned, her body from the waist down was her normal skin color and she said “how can I help you?” this being my first lucid dream I said screw it and since I knew it was my girlfriend in real life but not in my dream I said “you are going to have sex with me” and she said “okay” and spread her legs. After that her skin all turned back to her regular skin color and then I asked “do you have lube?” and she said "no, I don’t.’ so then I said “watch this” and out loud I said “give me lube” and then this invisible fountain above her starting pouring lube all over her and me. I was just about to have sex with her and then I finally woke up for real and not in the dream. This is my first time ever lucid dreaming successfully and I did nothing this night to try and lucid dream. my big question is from what you read about my dream, is it normal for me to have this much control easily, and since this happened does this mean I will be lucid dreaming more now?
Thank you if you reply to this it would mean the world to me!
Also if you want more details on the dream please let me know! I just didnt want to make a long first post here