Looking for Lucid Journal Program

Hi all,

I’m a newbie to this forum. I’ve just started writing down my dreams in word doc everyday. I wanted to write my own software but it was no point if I’m the only one using it… Just wanted to know if you guys are really interested to use the software if I have wrote one… It’s free and no spyware if I write one. Just to know a show of support.

I guess any LD related software could be used by a lot of people.

But for dream journals, there are some solutions avaiable: take a look at Dream journal and tell us what you think!

Oh, and welcome to LD4all! :cool_laugh:

I don’t know if I’d actually use it, but I’d definitely download it and check it out!
I might just prefer writing dreams in a Word document, but it’d surely be worth it to try some software.
Go for it!

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