New member here. I lurk in the site since July this year, having read the stickies and additionally StephEn’S LaBerge: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. I improved my Dream Recall, to remember one or two dreams per night.
I managed to get lucid 4 times since. In all of them I tried to start flying but it lasted some seconds only. The first 3 times I tried flying without wings, but then after read a relevant topic here, I tried wings too (yesterday).
The problem is that all my flights are very short and although I become lucid and airborne (as I wish), this last for very short time and then go back to normal dreaming again, remembering the dream but not lucid.
this happened to me the first few times i tried flying… it was because i would get such an exhilarating feeling when i fly (like better than having an orgasm) that it would wake me up. But after many flights this feeling isn’t as great anymore, i’ve become more accustomed to it, so i dont wake up because of it. What you should try is to just make your flights a bit shorter, just fly for a few seconds then land again and have a rest for a few seconds.
What i love to do is fly straight up past the clouds and then stop flying and let myself freefall till i almost hit the ground, then start flying again. lots of fun and feels just like skydiving in WL.
Try not flying, at least not at first… Instead, concentrate on simply remembering that you’re dreaming. Maybe just repeat “I am dreaming” over and over again as you walk around. I’ve noticed that whenever I forget that I’m dreaming, I only have vague memories of the lucid part rather than the normal realer-than-real experience. And for me, that’s the best part… I’ve actually spent entire dreams just being amazed at the detail of the bricks in the wall…
Well, for me, I recommend the contrary. Just keep trying to fly. It’s more a personal preference. In my first few lucid dreams, I always started to try to fly by jumping of a high place. I would float slowly to the ground and as I did I would try to prolong my flight a little longer. (I’m obsessed with flying btw )
In my first few tries, I just “floated” to the ground. Especially on my first dream, after I touched the ground, I woke up. It’s normal. Flyin is such a wonderful feeling. But after a few more times, u kinda concentrate more, and that kinda keeps the dream going, and soon I was able to fly.
Btw, my experience with flying is such that I wasn’t able to fly unless I had jumped from a high place, so much so that in one dream I took an elevator to the top of the building to begin my flight. Then halfway thru, I decided to try taking off from the ground. That was my first break through at “real” flying. Now I can just run, and literally run upwards into the air, and start to fly.