Losing lucidity??

I haven’t posted in a while (well, I wasn’t that big of an lder to be honest…only had about 3 or 4), but I was curious if one loses lucidity after they haven’t actively tried to lucid dream in a while. The thing is, I’ve had some rl issues to work out, and the amount of time I’d previously had to devote to lucid dreaming (being that all I had to do earlier was just take classes and do homework) has severly reduced. So, is lucid dreaming like working out, where if you make some gains and stop for a while, your body has muscle memory and you can pick up once you left off? Or do I need to wait months again before I can have another ld?..

Thanks in advance!

And I look forward to posting/sharing many dreams (hopefully lucid!) with you guys.

This is an answer that everybody hates, but it’s the answer to most questions regarding LDing: It depends on the person.

Generally, you should be able to pick it up again faster than you learned how to do it. Just go through some of the beginner strategies (DJ, RC, etc.) and try MILD and/or WILD.

Lucid dreaming is like every other skill, you can pick it up again after a long break. As SoccerFan01 said, just carry out the beginner steps and you’ll be able to get back into it again. :smile:

Ya, you’ve obtained the skill, now you just got to practive and regain it. You most likely havn’t lost it anyways, you’re probably on “pause” if anything.