I keep trying different methods to help me LD, and I’ve had (limited) success. One thing I realized that they all have in common is, they all have to do with me alone, nobody else is involved.
My idea is, having a partner, a friend to chat with about LDing will very likely help.
Like, an IM box could pop up and the first thing me (or the other person) would say is: reality check!
And if people chat often enough, sooner or later it’ll show up in a dream.
You could always talk to persons from the forum on msn/IRC/AIM/etc. For IRC you can just go to #ld4all or #dreamtime (only LD talk there) For other things you can always add people who have it in their profile. Not only nice to talk about Lucid Dreaming, but about everything else as well. It’s always nice to make friends.
It’s also nice to talk with each other while doing WBTB. I did it a few times with a friend of mine. Talking about Lucid Dreaming while doing WBTB might even be better than reading because you’re more active in then. At least that’s how I see it with me.
I like the idea of instead of saying hi to someone when you begin to talk to him say “reality check!”. Maybe I should try that one.
just think about who you interact with most on the forum … then send them a forum pm to see if they would like to chat. You will probably end up with a group of members that are available at different times.