Hi, I think I started to experience the WILD method last night. I recognized the hypnagogic stage, and I felt my body tingling, twirling around, I saw imagery, and I heard sounds. This lasted for quite a while, and eventually, a very clear, very crisp audio “track” came in. It was a black man talking to me, and then I heard street noise and police sirens. It seemed as if a dream with a downtown/city setting was forming right then and there. However, it didn’t last, and I didn’t see anything. Am I close to entering a lucid dream?
It might have been non-REM dream. Such dreams are meant to happen outside REM phase and are generally chaotic and “incomplete”. It could happen to you when you tried WILD just before going to sleep since first REM phase appears after about 90 minutes of sleep.
It sounds more like a halucinations changing into a dream for me. Propably if you stay little longer like this, or try to enter into it, concentrate on those sounds, you’d step into dream. Anyways I’m not WILD expert. But for sure, you were very close.