Lucid Dream or not?

I was having this dream when I were in my appartment, and I had some rare item that someone was trying to steal from me.
I was hiding in my room when I decieded to get out and “remove” the person that was chasing me.
I got out from my room and ran to the left, then I simply jumped up in the air and could half-float-half-fly. That’s when I realized I was dreaming, then everything changed and seemed more real.
I flew through the windows and up in to the sky. Then everything began to turn black and I started to spin to sharpen everything again. It worked for a bit but then I woke up (I thought) and was excitet that I’ve Lucid Dreamed.
I walked in to the bathroom and saw my mother who looked odd, then I thought “damn, I’m still asleep” then I woke up for real.

So now I’m wondering if this was a Lucid Dream or a False Lucid Dream? I’m still not sure if the feeling off Lucidity was real and that I had controll over it, it feelt realy good though.

My guess would be that you were Lucid, and then you had a false awakening.

Usually after a LD your brain will try and trick you by making you think you are awake, but in reality you are still dreaming.

I think basically you just didnt have a very high lucidity because you lost it quickly, but this usually happens the first couple times so dont worry about it, you will learn how to make it last longer after a few times.

But yeah
I would definatly say that you were lucid.


Ok, I’ve read something about false awakenings but I was not sure if that was one, now I know :cheesy:
Great! Now I know it’s not that hard to LD, I’ll try again for sure this evening!
Thanks for the help! :grin:

(yey first LD! :cool_laugh: )

If at any point you know you’re dreaming while in a dream then you’re definatly Lucid. Since you said that yopu knew you were dreaming then I’d say you were lucid.

A False Lucid Dream is when you behave as if you were Lucid but don’t ever actually realize you were dreaming.

Ah crap, thanks a lot.

realizes now that all the LDs so far have been false lucid dreams

checks Muffin’s DD

No no, those were LD’s…

Yea, based on what you wrote they were LD’s because you said you wewre aware that you were dreaming