Lucid Dream Speech

In two days I’m giving a speech about lucid dreams for speech class. It’s an informative speech and we got to pick the topic. Anyway, I haven’t started writing it yet, but any tips on how I could go about writing it? Like the main ideas? I was thinking maybe an intro, what LDs are, and reality checks and how to do them, and things you can do in LDs… I dunno.

history, myths, and initial fears

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if you go here: and look on the left for “Lucid history”

It quickly covers history dating back to

throw in an example or two of different lucid dreams experienced by people, maybe from the forums… or somewhere else. stories are good. you should also outline different techniques and maybe some background on LaBerge and his discoveries.

I think as for the average person, you’ll want to start with what lucid dreaming is… for the intro do like an “imagine a video game that feels so real…” something like that.

I’d do sections like:
What is lucid dreaming(including a brief history)
What are the possibilities(oobe, spiritual, etc…)
Various Techniques

If I was listening to a speech about LDing I’d want to leave the speech knowing how I can get more information, and basic techniques.

I agree Maoru … Sorry if I was vague in my quick suggestion, but I was only starting a list of points to include in a speech … I wasn’t suggesting to only use just the 3 points I gave.

I think it’s important to include the 3 points I listed because it strengthens the credibility of the topic of lucid dreams. Lucid dreaming is real and logical … it’s not a mythical dreamy occult topic that many associate with dreams.

I would think you have to explain the mechanism of sleep and dream first ( cycles, deep sleep, REM sleep with dreams).
Then perhaps some history about lucid dreaming to introduce that it’s possible to be conscious during sleep.
Then explain that in the 70’s Pr Stephen Laberge scientifically proves lucid dreaming and how he did.
Then how to lucid dream (two main possibilities : from waking state or reach lucidity from a normal dream).
And finally, why it could be useful (the most difficult part :happy: ) Scientifically, it has been proven useful for overcoming nightmares.
Good luck with your speech ! :smile:

If you’de like to stuff an induction technique near the end of your speech, use reality checks. When introducing people to lucid dreaming they seem to have been very interested in reality checks and ask me to list them. Perform them as you speak. (Assuming you won’t be too embarrased at jumping in the air.)

Oh one more thing, practice in a lucid dream if you can! I have practiced a couple speeches in my LD’s and it made me way more prepared (although it wasn’t quite as fun as other things i could have done) :smile:

How long is this speech? Just out of curiosity

I think what you really want to do (I may be wrong) is make them aware that they could be dreaming- to make is lucid dreaming seem possable. This is what will spark their intrest. Tell them about the history, and how they can start lucid dreaming including the best reality checks. Throw in some Matrix stuff to relate it to what they’ve seen before :wink:

I had a speech about LD’ing on an English class last year, too…
There is really much to tell about it, so you can concentrate on actually convincing people. You can emphasise the point that LD’ing is really possible and not some ‘magic’.

What ppl have said so far seems pretty helpful so no need 4 me to add anything…wanted to wish u good luck w/ it tho!! :happy:
Tell us how it goes :content:

Hey just found this topic, so I guess I don’t need to make my own. I’m giving a speech next week about LDs, so this helps. But does anyone have ideas for how I could fit some visual aids into my speech? I need 4 of them, and I can’t come up with any (good) ideas.

Also, I was thinking of focusing on:

  1. What a lucid dream is
  2. LaBerg’s work
  3. Practical Applications

Do you think that would satisfy an audience of 10th graders? I’ll also briefly mention how to MILD and WILD but probably won’t go into great detail. LOL so far the hardest part of this speech is narrowing down the information, even though most people I’ve talked to seem to think it’s a pretty narrow topic in itself. (Which it obviously isn’t, judging by the size of this site and forum.)

I am giving a speech about Lucid Dreaming in one week. I have gone over LaBerges studys, what Dreams are basically and when/how/why REM occures (not exactly in that order). I am considering throwing in somthing about the tibetan monks. and early methods of Lucid dreaming. Also going over how one would induce a LD, and the wounderful search engine ‘google’ to look for more help on LDing.

thats basically my outline for the speech, I cant think of anything else to add, I am worryed that people will look at me like I am from mars or somthing. Like most people do when I go on the topic of LD-ing. only next week will tell

for 10th graders? hmmm? perhaps you can include some songs and movies that include lucidity that might grab their attention? :smile:
You could either use it as a segue at the beginning, or as something to interest them at the end. :smile:

Hahaha, I gave the speech a long time ago and it went well. Thanks for all the help guys, I just forgot to reply back here again. Nice to see some more people giving LD speeches :content:


depends how much time you have for a speech. I have no clue about visuals, but i definately suggest you to start with question: “How many of you have had such strange dreams where you became aware that you are dreaming?” Let them rise their hands. The question should help you to get straight contact with them. Add free comments depending how many hands rise (i bet that some definately have had such dreams randomly). Then you might continue: “In such dreams you can conciously do whatever you want. Do you know that actually you can have such dreams at will? Here’s a bit info about LD-s…” and so forth…