Lucid Martial arts experience

Hi I’m intrested in getting some experiences together for The Lucid Dojo a website I’m working on that will be a "physical (dream) part of the Lucid Crossroads site.

I’m “mainly” intrested in martial artists like myself who have had LD’s and used their art. I’m also intrested in anyone who is not trained in a martial art but has used karate, kung fu etc in an LD fight or anyone who’s fought in a lucid dream. :alien:

Hope you can help, the site should be completed in the next few weeks and will be a place where martial artists can train or fight in dream time. I’ve got some info about it here

Just trawled through the archieves and found this

Does anyone know if LuciDreameR_7 is around still or if he changed his name in the new forum?

well i did judo for many years but stopped lately because i had so much stress at school that i couldn’t find the time to go to a 10 km far city by bus any longer…
i used calea z. some time ago and had a pretty extra-ordinary half-LD-dream in which i was fighting some kinda supermonster in a karate-like style. btw: i won :wink:
it felt very real, although i have never done any karate before. :happy:
nevertheless, i think that you can improve any skill while LDing. Even the Master of LDs - Stephen LaBerge - said this in his book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”.

I trained once in a lucid dream in a dojo hsing i and i trained a special technique with a lucid dream caracter for 5 minutes and it really helped me 2 days later in my kung fu lessons…i mastered the tech way better then without that lucid training because my memory had that special move now integrated. while the ohters still had to practise to get it in their memory lol :smile:


Cool man, I’ve taken many years of martial arts. I got to a red belt in Tang Soo Doe, a black belt in Tae Kwon Doe, and I took a little Brazillian Jui Jitsu and a little Aikido. I love the art.

Nice Jesse! Nice combinations also of martial arts you practise!


Thanks Jeff n Jesse, the lucid dojo site will be delayed for a week or too but I’m getting some great martial arts accounts from my own dojo. Also on the lucid dojo temp hompage there is a link to a document about lucid sports training which is really good.