Lucid WOOHOO (i think)

Went lucid well im pretty sure you judge, got up for school my car didnt start so i went back to sleep and thats when it happened i had 6 dreams last nite btw. The last ND was amazing 2 you can see those in my dream journal if you like.

My dad and i were by our building trying to load some kind of heavy contraption into my small saturn which was not going to fit so some random people were there with a pick up truck and they offered to take it for us. While loading it i see this kid kind of a friend from school hez close by and hes wearing like a nice pink shirt then all of a sudden i look away for a sec and now he is wearing different clothes, i quickly do a RC cuz i found it strange and my hand had 4 fingers and was warped i got excited but stayted calm. I immedialty took off in the air and rose supre high felt cool, i circled a city and then swooped down.
I was flying very low and fast into oncoming traffic neostyle and i was destroyig cars and people. I ended up on the ground with like 50 police officers shooting at me but nothing was happening to me lol. Thats it.
Weird this is that when i woke up finally a while after cuz i had a nd after all this, i didnt remember the LD vividly thus losing all the sensations i had so i forgot a lot of details about it This was an LD right? This will be my second LD and lasted about 30 secs seemed longer though i was actually kinda counting in my LD lol. I think im gonna be good at LD because i had a lot of stability and wasnt worried about waking up once i get good i feel ill be able to make them last a long time hopefully. Ima update my JOurnal now with the other dreams if your interested. THX.

By the way the methods i used were, before i went to sleep i did a lil of Mild with sun eye, then wbtb and while i was going back to sleep i was trying a lil wild but didnt work so did Mild/Suneye again.

Nice job, it was a LD i guess (the RC worked I assume). Keep going with your tech and see if it brings you plenty more lucids soon!