Lots of the time i realize i am dreaming but i don’t realy realize i can contol it… I let the dream keep happening and try to convince my dream characters that they are dreaming too! And i never realy get that lucid! I let my dreams stay all wierd… and ONLY ONCE did i stop to see if anything felt realy and it did but i can never actualy conrol my dreams. Will I eventualy get more lucid?
This happens to everybody at first. It’s called being pre-lucid, it’s when you know you’re dreaming but you’re not thinking rationally, and you don’t think to do any of the things that you plan to do when you’re awake. There’s a few ways you can get past this stage. 1. Look at your hands in the dream. Make sure nothing weird is happening, it gets you thinking much more rationally. 2. Start spinning around in circles with your arms out. It has pretty much the same effect as with your hands. 3. Just do some simple math equations, like 4x6, 7x8 to get your brain thinking like it would in WL. Or just ask yourself questions like “How did I get here? What’s my address?” Don’t worry, this stuff will get much better with practice.
But Imagine! I know i am dreaming i just... don't make it so it isn't a dream. DO you get that? I can't explain but....
Yeah, in several of my lucid dreams I couldn’t think clearly although I knew that I was dreaming. Staying calm and looking at your hands not only imroves the vividness of the dream but your state of mind as well.