Machine to help with WILD

While watching a friend fall asleep today in school I invented a machine that might help when practicing WILD :cool: It’s basically a machine version of what Laberge suggests in EWLD. In his version you have a friend watch you while you count and fall asleep and when you do fall asleep he should wake you up and ask how far you counted. In my version you have a machine with a button that you press every now and again to reset a 5 to 15 minutes countdown. And if one use counts one could probably press the button every 10 numbers or so. When you fall asleep and don’t press the reset anymore the timer will run out after a while and a loud sound will wake you up.

It should be quite easy to build and cheap too :grin: And I already have everything I need to make it :content: Should probably have it done in 2 days or so and the I’ll test it.

except why would you want to be woken up?

Well if you fail to WILD you get another chance to do it when you are woken up :tongue:


Well what if you succeed to WILD? Won’t it be ruined then because the LD will fail, you wake up when the alarm goes off right?

I guess that instead of a ring waking you up the button should start vibrating when you fail to reset it.Youd need to have it attached to your hand somehow though but it shouldnt be a problem.
take care

Yes that would suck if I was woken up in the middle of a LD :grrr: but I seem to have a dry spell atm, so that might not be a problem unless “the machine” works really well :tongue: And I’ve already made it, so I’ll get to try it out tomorrow and see what happens :cool:

Jack, if I have it attached to my hand and happen to turn around I might destroy it. So I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea. But I do have 2 vibration motors that I could use if I felt like trying it :grin:

Well I had 2 LDs this morning :cool: And I remember having lots of dreams too. But I forgot most of the dreams though :sad: And I think I was only woken up a maybe 3-4 times by the sound because I woke up alot by myself too. I had the timer on 15 minutes.