Yeah I know lots of poeple don’t beleive in sort cuts, and say that if you condition yourself to becoming lucid with the aid of verious herbs, vitamin, drugs, magic potions, and what ever else then you will have a difficult time becoming lucid with out them. But you know what? I feel like taking my chances. I’m ganna make a list right here, and check each day for your verious short cuts. Try them, and if they seem to work, add them to the list so that every thing is in one easy-to-get-to post. I will start off with what I know. and go from there. Now I could go through the posts and find all this stuff myself, but frankly… i’m kind of lazy. So anyway, heres a start.
Dream Herb (Calea Zacatechichi): This is an herb you can buy online, it was used by the chontal Indians of Oaxaca to find passage into the spirit world through their dreams. You make a tea out of the herb, and roll a cigarett. Before you go to sleep you drink the tea then go to a quiet place and smoke the herbal cigarett. I have done this and it does induce more vivid dreams and improve dream recall.
Stimulants: Caffeen, Red Bull, Yellow Jackets, Anphettamines, ect. I have takin all of these and more before going to sleep and every time I had more vivid memerable dreams. However I do not recomend taking anphettamines before sleep more then once, and then just because everyone should know the feeling of waking up on anphettamines. It is the greatest feeling ever. But it is unhealthy, and if you take them then go to sleep you will wake up an hour later. This is not a placebo effect, when I did this, it was before I even care about how vivid my dreams were. I simply would stay up for days and need a nap but aslo need to get up an hour later. However, caffeen, any energy drink, ginsing, any over the counter dietary suppliment like yellow jackets, is fine and should not disturb ones sleep too much. well yellow jackets might.
Meditation: This is one I just started. I have little experiance meditating and am not very good at it. However dispite my shortcomings, It has still caused more vivid and memerable dreams. I credit this to the far from normal relaxation it invokes.
Salvia Divinorum: This is not to be takin lightly. it is a very powerfull hollusonagen(sp?) when taken correctly. It has two main stages(this is a description of my experiances with the 10x extract). First there is an intence trip witch lasts anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes then about a half hour of a mellow high. Durring the mellow part of the high things seem incredably sureal and dream like. This I Believe can be used to recognize when you are dreaming. Do reallity checks and try to remember the feeling. say to yourself “this is how a dream feels”.
Reading: Read about LD for at least a half an hour before going to sleep. This will keep LD fresh in you mind. It is known that the fresher something is in your mind the more likely it is to carry over into you dreams.
Well thats it for now, hopefully some of you will give me some more thing to try that I can add to this list and every one will have a one stop post to get all of there short cuts.