Hey guys I just had a LD last night. and I didn’t wake up! It wasn’t the best one i have ever had but it was still really cool. ok here is what happened…
There was like some kind of war going on and i was in one of the battles and me and a few more soldiers were behind a sand bag bunker when a gernade lands in our bunker and I scream “GERNADE!” and I dash and jump right into the edge of the woods and then the same guy throws another one right next to me and this time I jumped as high as i could which was well over the trees and i landed in the road. (all this could be from playing the computer game “call of duty” so much lately.)
But I then said to myself “wow! I have jumped up really high like that and fell to the ground like that without it hurting before in a dream!” I just started running as fast as i could down the road because i remembered a post on here a while back about how someone likes to run really fast in their dreams instead of fly. But as I ran I was going super slow until I screamed “increase lucidity!” and for the first time i was actually running really fast in my dream. I then decided to leap into the air and I just sorta floated up into the city where i came to this high up apartment building where a hippy was standing by the window. he said something and then came outside and i landed and started to chat with him. i told him I was lucid and he replied “Yeah i know!” and then he was like helping me float into the air because i couldnt just stand there and float up without getting to a certain point and then falling. but then from some reason i lost lucidity and that’s all I remeber. It was great while it lasted!