Making someone else appear in LD's?

Title changed. Was: “What are your experiences with metamorphosis?” but it seems it was not related to metamorphosis, as people noticed it, and it was confusing.

Has anyone tried to make someone else appear in their dreams? I tried to make a girl I like appear during a lucid and failed. I then thought of another girl I knew that used to like me and it worked!

It was funny though because I kept running in-between rooms because I figured out it would be easier to make someone appear while I wasn’t there and simply imagine them being in the place that I was not. After a hilarious run around it finally worked!

However she seemed to have no personality and flopped onto the floor as if she was unconscious. Strange? She then got up, but didn’t talk and had a blank expression. :eh:

What are other people’s experiences with this?

Actually metamorphosis is when something changes into something else. You seemto be thinking about conjuring. I have experienced problems with that too. First time i tried i wanted a girl to actually be teleported, but it’s conjuring since she didn’t have a “physical” form in the dream. She was on the phone and there was a teleport button on it but i accidentally hung up. then asked a DC to point out the right button wich she did but it didn’t work. I tried to believe it would but it didn’t happen. Another time i simply wished for a girl, but another came. she had rollerblades Wich i hadn’t thought of and two heads. But i have successfully gotten a pipe to appear in my hand and a knife once, that sort of thing.

i find it easier to conjure up things in dreams if i close my eyes then say that the object or person will be in front of me when I open my eyes, and he/she/it is. I use the same technique when teleporting.
Another idea for conjuring is to go up to a door and say that the object will be on the other side of the door, then open it.

Some people have mental blocks and find it difficult watch things appear right in front of them.

I tend have mixed sucess with conjuring obects and people. Sometimes I can pull out an object that I can see and feel in my hand, right down to the texture and weight. Other times I seem to be holding an object, but I’m either still just imagining it or it’s barely there, as if it were a “ghost” object.

My biggest problem with conjuring people is my inability to keep them the same. I could conjure them as my best friend, but turn around and have the same conjured DC suddenly be my mother!