the coolest thing happned
i try wild
next morning i wake up at 4am
do some school work till 5am
go to sleep try WILD
& there i am!! where?
IN A Lucid Dream.
i was walking some place
i didn’t need a RC i kenw it right away that i was in a LD.
i wanted the wind 2 blow gently against my face and IT DID.
i walked in the direction i choose.
then i don’t have a clue what happened may b i just fell back 2 sleep.
i’ve been trying 4 about a month and i wouldn’t have been
possible without ld4all and u guys out there.
THANKS 2 all who helped me
i feel gr8
hope u all have LDs
congrats mate
Truly one of the greatest experiences a human can have.
I hope you have many many more
Woohoo Congratulations man! Hopefully there will be many more to come ^^ Good luck and have great fun while practicing LDs.