i tend to have weird dreams and i dream about being lucid and i recently had a dream about an OOBE. well anyways with my story, i was sleeping the other night and i could hear my dog scratching at my door, i was dreaming at the time and actually realized i was dreaming!
it was very weird, all i saw was a bright orange square, as if i couldn’t see anything else, basically only orange. so i realized it was a dream and i decided hmm what can i do? so i tried something and it split the orange up into two rectangles, i then DREAMNT i woke up and thoguht it was over and woke up soon after that… what the heck! why am i so weird?
It sounds like you became a little too excited and careless when you found yourself dreaming, and like everyone does in their first LD, you threw it all away and ended up having a false awakening (FA). Don’t worry, it takes a couple of times to get used to holding onto the dream once you become lucid. Just try to remember some of the recommended stabilization techniques for next time, and take it a little slower – at least until you have a better grip on the dream.
I’d recommend affirming your lucidity with some verbal commands. Stand still, examine your surroundings and loudly request “Increase lucidity!” a few times. Work on using each of your senses, until everything becomes as realistic as anything you’ve ever experienced while awake. Most people make the mistake of assuming their first few seconds of lucidity will be a mind-blowing experience with true-to-life imagery and extraordinary powers. Don’t get me wrong, this is certainly possible, but you need to take your time and build it up manually. It’ll get easier with practice.
Good work on your first touch with lucidity – it only gets easier provided you keep putting in the effort. Let us know how you’re going.
yes! congrats on having a LD next time I think you’ll have a much easier time staying in it, (most people find their first time so exciting they lose it quickly, next time you’ll be more prepared) before you go to bed, try imagining yourself dreaming, doing a reality check, knowing that you’re dreaming, and then stabilising your dream by looking @ your hands, spinning, whatever method you chose to do. I find this helps because in my dreams I always forget to do those things and try to go straight into trying things out, and If I’m used to pretending to stabilise my dream, It’ll come easier. Have fun