Meeting PLace (the start of all my Dreams)

I am now consider a healthy sleeper now. Last year 2001, I graduated from high school. I was going to start college in the fall but, lots of issuses and problems came along. So till this day i haven’t started school. So every night i usually get more than enough sleep. It’s funny but sometimes i will have crazy dreams. I like them though and the weird thing is that I been having the same dream over and over and over. It always start at the same place(like a big Arena where i work) and each dream i have continues from the last one i had. Most of the time i do not think i dreaming untill something ridiclous happens. I feel like i gained something and i can contol little things in my dreams. The best is when I figure out how to fly. In my dream all it took was about 5 - 10 spaces then run full speed foward…and Jump! Next thing you know it Your Flying. The reason why i tell all this non-sense guff (that i greatly enjoy)is because i do not know if this Lucid Dreaming or if this is just another dream. I tell my friend daily about my dreams over 5 day period at the same place, same dream, and same feeling. My friend says that where i will be going when i die and thats my after life. That would be cool , becuase I would’nt mind spending enternity in this one wonderful Dream. Please comment and ask questions (if you read this i am very intrested to talk about it)

Make yourself remember the next time you see that arena to ask yourself if you’re dreaming.

I wish i could beable to sleep longer every day like you. i have to wait a couple years though. :silent: