“has any body looped audio saying “you are dreaming” and had it get progressively louder over the period of an hour? i’m gonna try this tonight”
and letting you know that it worked, i put on my headphones with an itunes playlist which the first hour was a sigur ros album to put me to sleep, i did the WILD method which got me close to a lucid dream but then i just fell alseep, then after that album was done the next three hours were 40 minute mp3’s of my voice saying "you are dreaming looped over and overagain and it progressively gets louder throughout the whole track, i heard my voice saying i was dreaming then i realized that i was, so i took off flying in blackness and ended up in a gym where a bunch of people played basketball, and a lady was singing wind beneath my wings, everytime i felt i was waking up i heard “you are dreaming” and i worked myself to be lucid again… it was great
You know, this seems so obvious. Genious, but obvious. Have many other people tried this yet? I haven’t yet but I believe I will now. One question windedsailor, are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? I am a very light sleeper and the only reason I think this might not work for me would be because hearing my voice while asleep might just wake me up completely. That’s why I never bothered with the NovaDreamer. Flashing lights going off in the middle of the night would probably make me jump out of my skin. Any other light sleepers out there try this?
i’m a light sleeper, i haven’t had as much success with this as i did the first night… the last few time i’d wake up and hear myself talking but it wouldn’t sound like “you are dreaming” it would soung like other words then as i’d wake up it’d finally get back to sounding like the actual recording… i’m not gonna send the mp3 cause my voice is pretty far from soothing and akward, but you can download software for recording at versiontracker.com or downloads.com and just loop it… i think i might try some other things like recording a description of a room and try and realize it when i’m in the room… it’s really not a lot of work its one of those things you just gotta do
The mp3 on the LD cd topic is like that. I think it would work. If you repeat it enough times it’ll get stuck in your head all night
One slight problem, your brain will probably get all mixed up with the “You are dreaming” fact, you wont be able to do anything interesting.
I tried the LD cd mp3 from that other thread and found that. Most of the night my brain was focused on “you will have an LD” but I didn’t actually have an LD.
Record a dream you want to have (with RC in it), set it on repeat put some music in the background and listen to it for 15 minutes then go to sleep. I think this might work.
it goes away during the lucid dream and if you start waking up then you hear it again, so once your in you’ll hear the you are dreaming whenever you are about to wake up