MILD and other Questions

hi all, i’ve just got some questions about the MILD technique.

  1. How do you utterly convince convince yourself that you’ll have an LD? Because telling myself is all good and well, but then how can you not think that you might not or something?

  2. How long did MILD take you for it to start working?

  3. How many dreams should i remember before i start to MILD/WILD/WBTB/DILD/OILD/BUBILD, etc?

4)Should i wake up during the night to remember dreams better?

That’s the point. You simply have to believe what you say to yourself. Without any doubt. And then it will work :cool:

  1. My first try worker.

  2. At least one everynight.

4)Optional, you may for more dreams and maybe remember them better but I dont. If i wake up in the middle of the night the I try. I dont try to wake myself up.

  1. For me it happened after my first real success, I wanted to have an LD very bad and used MILD and had one, I then tried it again after that and succeded, that was the convincing I needed for total confidence.

  2. Consistently, about 3.5 months, at will about five, and to have first LD about a week.

3)If you remember at least one vivid dream a night without setting the alarm to wake yourself up then you’re in excellent shape.

4)Use an alarm clock and set it like 6, 7.5 or 9 hours from the time you go to sleep (will wake you up during REM periods).