MILD- logic thinking helpful or not?

I have read that it could be helpful to think logical when you are trying to do a WILD, but what about MILD?
Is it best to think logical or abstract if you are trying to do a MILD?

No idea. If you want the reason for it, though, the logical part of your mind is really what you use to realise you’re in a dream.

I’m not sure either… I don’t think you have to rely solely on your logical analytical thinking. Make sure there’s room for intuition and guide your awareness by trusting on your feelings, rather than your thoughts.

It depends i guess on how you plan to become lucid through a MILD. If i understand correctly its presleep intention? Then it would be your logical side that becomes aware and realizes that it is a dream. Ive had a couple abstract LD (wierd thinking but knowing it is a dream) though so i dont really know…Its probably the abstractness of the dream that you will notice and become lucid, though wait with MILD isnt it just a spontaneous becoming lucid?

I guess then it is about holding or confirming your point of lucidity. Personally if i get too analytical my dream surroundings conform to confirm to me that i am not dreaming, though i really am. I dont know if this into the abstract, but what usually convinces me its a dream is just this feeling of a dream versus reality, but its so hard to explain. Kind of like a disproportion of distance in a dream, things feeling closer or farther away than they appear (to quote side mirrors :tongue: )

If its about the presleep intentions, i personally havent tried to have 'abstract thought’s they usually just happen as i start to fall asleep. Maybe start out logically thinking ‘i will fall asleep, dream, and realize i am dreaming’ and then as you fall asleep such thoughts will start to become more abstract, but try to hold onto the intent itself, without logic and without words (due to such becoming increasingly unreliable, or something)

i dont know if that was helpful but goodluck :smile:

I am not sure I understand exactly what you question is but:

The hole point of MILD is your presleep intention to realize you are dreaming the next time you are dreaming. How ever you accomplish that is ok. I don’t think it matters much how you do that. If you use mild by repeating “the next time I am dreaming I’ll realize I am dreaming” which I guess you could say would be a logical approach or if you used some sort of abstract imagery to some how set your intention to remember you are dreaming.