Does MILD only work when you wake up early and then go back to sleep, or can it work normally by just visualizing and all that stuff etc before you go to sleep and just sleeping the whole night continiousley?
It works for me good when I go straight tyo sleep, but if I wake up in the middle of the night I can use MILD to LD at will. But it can work if you go straight to sleep.
Lucidity Master, could you explain how you use MILD to gain Lucidity at will.
Mostly it just comes from practicing the technique and its support techniques. WHat I mean my support techniques is techniques to increase your ability to remember to do things without an external aid. SOme good ways to develop this are thesae three challenges
Doors Of Perception- WHat you do is each time you go through a doorway you give the door a tap. This is extremly hard to remember each door especially when your busy.
I Remember- Rach time someone hands something to you you say out loud or inside your head “I remember” Not quite as tough as doors of perception in my opion
Prospective Memory Challenge- Here is the info on it
Prospective Memory Training is a valuable exercise developed by Dr. Stephen LaBerge. It is designed to be carried out over the span of one week. Each day, you will have a list of specific “targets”, which are everyday occurrences. At the beginning of the day, memorize your day’s targets. Try not to look at your other targets until you reach the day that they are assigned. Your goal is to recognize the target when it occurs and perform a state test. You perform this test simply by asking yourself “Am I dreaming?” Look around for dreamsigns, think about it, and answer the question logically. If you remember to ask yourself this question when the target event occurs, you have made a “hit”. If you forget to ask yourself this question when the target event occurs, it is a “miss”. You must “hit” the target the very first time it happens. Keep track of how many targets you hit during the day, and how many you missed. Continue this exercise until you have improved your ability to hit these targets.
Daily Targets
The next time I see a pet or animal.
The next time I look at my face in the mirror.
The next time I turn on a light.
The next time I see a flower
The next time I write anything down.
The next time I feel pain.
The next time I hear my name spoken.
The next time I drink something
The next time I see a traffic light.
The next time I put something in the garbsage.
The next time I hear music.
The next time I hear laughter
The next time I eat a vegetable.
The next time I see a red car.
The next time I turn on a television.
The next time I handle money
The next time I hear a phone ring.
The next time I check the time.
The next time I read something other than this list.
The next time I notice myself daydreaming
The next time I see the stars.
The next time I use a toilet after noon.
The next time I open a closed door.
The next time I see a bird
The next time I see an advertisement.
The next time I see a bike.
The next time I unlock something.
The next time I eat something after breakfast.
These excersies willgratly improve your MILD success rate if yuo get good at them