MILD + WILD: Worth it?

Hi to everyone. Recently, after taking a pause, I have been concentranting myself on trying to achieve some serious LDs by using WILD: while I haven’t add any completely lucid dreams, I did have some very vivid ones, not to mention some strange(and not unpleasant)experiences, like a kind of sleep paralysis where by concentrating on a body part you feel strange sensations of it, or being concsious and hearing “voices”(not demonic ones, voices from my acquatiances). Anyway, I prefer WILD to MILD, but I have been recently thinking about a thing. Since WILD has to with how you go to sleep, while MILD is something you do during the day, with reality checks and a dream journal(which I do keep, but I should update it more often), would it be worth it to USE both methods(and perhaps even associate them with WTBTB)?This way, If WILD fails and one falls asleep without lucidity, there is a chance that your MILD training will "kick in"and make you lucid…Is this a sound idea?

Yes, it’s a sound idea to associate a day method with a night method and your assumption is perfectly justified. (Just a comment: RC’s are not MILD. And you practice MILD when you go to bed).