Last night, I used MILD as I was going to sleep to tell myself that I was going to wake up after every dream period. In the early morning hours, I woke up from a dream. I tried to visualise it and go back to sleep, but after a long time I didn’t get any more tired, and I was up for almost an hour. After that, I had 4 or 5 more dreams, all lasting about a minute or two each. An old couple walks my band to a boat and asks us if they can buy about a foot of it off the left tip, and I wake up. I walk into a music store, and while looking at drum pedals, find Xbox controllers, and wake up. I didn’t bother to write down the others, even though I woke up after every one. It’s very frustrating because I’m waking up way more times than I should, and it’s much less vivid in my memory, and much shorter. Does anyone know what might have caused this? To me, this means that if my dreams are shorter, there are less dream signs, and less chance of recognizing one and being able to use MILD. There’s nothing unusual about selling a boat to some people in my dream, but if the dream was longer there would surely be some sign. Help?
i would say you should try methods to keep you in the dream, like rubbing your hands, spinning, stuff like that. i know that this only works in lucid dreams but maybe you could apply it to your dreams?
I practice MILD every night, and there are definently lots of variations.
First is WBTB. I really don’t have the time to do WBTB, so I haven’t tried this one. People say that it increases the chances of a LD and I believe them. If you wake up 5-6 hours later, stay up for 30-60 minutes, and do the mantra that says you’ll recognize you’re dreaming, it should work with time.
Second is RC. I’m working with this one currently. Find a few good RCs to do, and practice them IRL multiple times a day. Then recite your mantra, and put something about doing an RC in it. I’ve seen a lot of progress with this, for better DR and prelucid moments.
Stay up for a shorter amount of time if you’re a semi-insomniac and find it hard to get back to sleep (10 secs in my case is long enough to keep me awake for 10 more mins).
Of course, if you’re a true insomniac, you probably shouldn’t practice WBTB.
What I mean is that I have a schedule that demands at least a six hour sleep, usually from Midnight to 6:00 A.M. There’s always the option that I can vary my WBTB times, but I really do like uninterrupted sleep with (weak) MILD. It takes longer to perfect, and has slimmer chances, but it’s really my only choice considering other responsibilities I have to uphold.
Hopefully when Fall comes, I’ll be able to do proper WBTB without any consequences regarding lack/gain of sleep.