Mindless Dream

I think I had my first LD last night. I didn’t notice how vivid anything was, I didn’t perform RCs or try to stabilize the dream. I did realize I was dreaming.

I told this to my friend who was sitting next to me at my girlfriend’s funeral. He told me that I shouldn’t even joke about something like that. I said, “No really, watch.” I immediately made the person sitting next to him grow a huge nose. Wow. I’m an idiot when I sleep.

Realizing that I was lucid, I resurrected my girlfriend (shows you how unclear my thoughts were, I didn’t realize that she wasn’t really dead). Then I go outside with my friend and ask to borrow his cell phone so I can call my parents and tell them I’m going to fly home (again, I’m not thinking straight). He hands it to me but I can’t figure out how to work it, and then I realize I don’t need to call the DC versions of my parents.

So I go out into the parking lot and try to fly. Hardly a hop. I decide to take a different approach and this time just intend to jump. I jump higher than the cars around me, and while in the air, I jump again. Now I’m just able to float away.

At about that point I lost lucidity. I’d say it lasted a minute or so. I woke during my dream (at some point after that) and remember almost all of it, everything before I realized I was dreaming, and everything after.

I was wondering, how can I improve my logic while I’m asleep (if I can at all)? And how can I remember to perform RCs and stabilize the dream instead of just jumping right into the lucidity?

To try and improve your logic, you could always try saying, ‘increase lucidity now!’.
As for bad logic - you’re not the only one. I have it too (as anyone who’s read my DJ will know…). I personally find it quite funny :razz:.

I remember I’ve read somewhere that you could improve your logic in doing mental exercises in your dream, like counting from 1 to 10, or doing easy mathematical operations.
Does someone remember something like that too ?

Congrats with your first LD! :happy: You already did some amazing stuff… resurrecting the dead… :eek:

I agree with Basilus West… I’ve read something about counting techs too. Don’t know where… Just do some easy math. If that doesn’t work, make it even more easier. Once you can manage those, then try something harder, etc… I don’t think it has a lasting effect for any future LDs, but it might work well during one LD.

Remembering to do RCs is often the result of waking life RCing. Once RCing irl has become a habit, you will practice this same habit in your dreams. If you want to remember to stabilize your LD first, repeat this intention a few times before you go to bed, or you could also strengthen it while you’re doing RCs. If you really wish to remember this, you probably will at the moment you become lucid.

Good luck! :content: