Missing memory?

So i get up from sitting on my computer chair for 30 minutes. And you know how you get that feeling like bloods rushing to your head and everything whites out for a couple of seconds.

Yeah, well my mother called me to get something, so i was on my stairs swinging on the stair bars. Then next thing i know im dreaming… im in a dream and im getting hurt but i dont know what from and it feels very real. So im trying to stop myself from being hurt but its not working.

Suddenly, im awake on the floor with sore arms head etc…

This is the weirdest thing that happened to me o.O any ideas?

Mods feel free to move this thread as i didn’t know where to post it.

So, you lost consciousness suddenly, without warnings ? :eek:

yep. One moment im on the stairs waiting for my mum the next minute i wake up on the floor.

Hmm Ahmad thats weird, sounds like some kind of epilepsy.
Keep a good eye on it!

It can be so much… Everything from low bloodpressure, seizures, mini stroke or even a tumour… But if this happened right after you got up from sitting, then it is probably nothing more than low bloodpressure. But i would suggest you get this checked, especially if it happens again.

if you are tall it might not be as bad as you are hearing. the same thing happens to me when i have been sitting for a long time and i stand up too suddenly, my vision tunnels partially or most of the way, sometimes all of the way.

i asked my doctor about it and she said i am healthy, and its just because I am tall and I stand up too fast when my heart is at its resting rate. (i’m only 6’1" or 186cm for you non USA people)

I’ve never lost consciousness from that though. Next time I recommend stopping, and leaning on your desk or bed or wall or doorway or anything. Usually I do that and it will clear up in a few seconds. That’s weird that you went totally unconscious, probably because you were so physically active right after getting up.

What’s even weirder is that you were in a dream. Be careful!

True Tomas, it could be blood pressure also! :smile:

Good post Maoru! :smile:

Im quite tall i guess, im 14 yrs old and 176 cm.

Maybe it is low bloody pressure im not sure, it was just weird that 1 second your standing the next your on the floor… if it does happen ill be sure to post it (and go to the doctor :smile:).

thanks guys

:wink: ok Ahmad take care!