How can i do it?
Also, discuss your experiences with mixing them
How can i do it?
Also, discuss your experiences with mixing them
Wake up somewhere around 5 hours after you fall asleep, stay up just long enough to reset your mind and intentions, and go back to sleep.
At least that’s what I always do. It’s pretty easy, and it does work. Really, all I do is MILD and a bit of WBTB, if you can even call either of them that, and when I have goals that are focused enough, I have them at a pretty good rate.
Im going to try that tonight
Instead of the “correct” way to do WBTB and MILD I just wake up about 6 or 5 hours after sleep then I wright down the dreams I remember, and get up to take a wizz. Then I just get back into bed and lightly suggest to myself that I am going to have a lucid dream. Without putting any pressure on it, more of an Autosuggestion than a MILD, I just drift back to sleep. And the 4 nights I did this, it worked 3 times. The only 3 Lucid dreams I had.
Just keep experimenting until you think the technique is working for you:)
P.S. If I stay awake longer than 40 mins or so I have trouble sleeping and my Lucid dream was even shorter than my 1st one.
Whats the best time to go to bed, then?
That’s a really tough question, I would say as long as you get at least 7 hours of sleep, it depends on the time you suppose you should wake up.
People also get LD’s in 1 hour naps so don’t take my word for it, you have time just experiment on yourself until you feel like it starts working.
7 Hours before you wake up at least, thats my verdict.