Hello boys and girls
I’m new on this forum, and fairly new to lucid dreaming. I had a period where I was lucid fairly often a few years ago, and I decided to try my luck again.
First some backstory:
Back in the day, the only types of lucid dreams I had, were induced by me suddenly noticing that something is wrong inside of my dreams, so as this stopped happening I stopped training my lucidity.
Anyways, now I’m starting to get back on track, and I’ve been training for a few weeks, but on friday night I finally made progress, and I had my first WILD ever (I tried different techniques a million times, but finally I managed to get one (I used the FILD tech). I did the reality check where I hold my nose, and I was able to breathe through my fingers. (I live in a college type setting, so I am usually unable to do the WBTB method with an alarm, but I was woken by thunder in the morning where I attempted this)
I stood up and looked out the window in my dream, and I saw this man in a parrot costume, who I knew was out to get me. Anyways, since I knew it was a dream, I wasn’t too scared. As he walked to the door of the building, I just jumped out the window and decided to fly away.
Here comes my problem though. As I started flying, it was as if time froze and I simply was hovering in midair. Then my concious was shot back to my bed. Well, I did a reality check and realized that I still was dreaming, so I got out of my dream bed and looked out the window. No parrot man, just grass. I wanted to “feel” the dream, so I rubbed my hands together, and felt the texture of the wall next to my window, which felt really real.
I wanted to try some dream alteration, so I turned my back against the window, and attempted to turn it into a volcanic landscape, but when I looked again nothing had changed. And then suddenly I was in my bed again, I tried to get up, but I felt really really heavy, and I could only do like half a situp, and then I was on my back again.
I was lying on my back looking at my roomies bed, trying to make someone appear there, but only an outline appeared. The outlinme then slowly disappeared and I woke up.
Today, I naturally woke up about an hour earlier before I had to get up, so I decided to try to induce a dream again. I had succes, as I did the reality check. I looked up, and I realized that I was lying in my bed, I tried looking at my hands, but I couldn’t see them, even tho I knew they were there.
I kind of think that I here had the same problem as last time where I kept popping back into my bed. I think I might acidentally open up my real eyes, which is why I keep seeing the same thing.
Anyways, I closed my eyes and imagined walking around in my room with my eyes closed, because it was a dream, I knew i wouldn’t walk into anything.
This must have triggered something, because suddenly I was standing at a large grass field, with a black bird flying around over me. I wanted to try to control the dream, so I tried to force the bird to land in front of me. It did land, but not where I then commanded it to land. I then commanded it to fly again, which it then did.
Then suddenly… Boom, back in my bed, looking at the ceiling. Did the reality check, still dreaming. Stood out of my dream bed, which I could this time if I remember correctly. I looked out of the window, and saw the grass outside, which was empty this time. Then I thought of the parrot man from friday, and suddenly a man in a large fox costume appeared, and some other animal that I didn’t pay attention to. I looked at them and the fox became kind of “cartoony” if you will… Then I ended back into my bed, but this time I was awake.
So basically I think my problem is that I keep opening my real eyes while I am dreaming, which forces me out of my dream.
I was hoping anyone on this forum would have some tips for me.
I keep opening my real eyes which snaps me out of my dreams. Any tips? Besides that, I’d like to be able to stabilize my dreams and control at least some aspects of the dream