I’m going to get so much flak for posting this, but I had a similar situation as you. I’m a carpenter in the construction industry. I too work long days and when I work it’s a pain, my body is in pain and achy, I’m always very tired and when I get home, like you, all I ever wish to do is just rest.
So, with that in mind, what I’m about to say is not for everyone. So before anyone goes on about how bad these things are and how stupid I am for suggesting it, bare in mind that herbal teas don’t work for everyone for different reasons and some people just simply don’t want to try it at all.
Okay. Now that we have that disclaimer out of the way…
I’ve been experimenting with different herbs in teas and their effects on sleep and dreams. So far, I have found Damiana herb to be of the most help with this. This is my recipe, but you may see it fit to change as you wish.
For this, you will need a small filter teabag or (my personal favourite) a tea-ball (basically a metal filter for teas which is totally reusable), and a bit of the Damiana herb.
Put 4 teaspoons of the dried Damiana herb into the teabag or teaball. Pour freshly boiled water into the cup with the teabag/ball and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes. The dried Damiana is very fluffy, so after you pour the cup, knock the bottom of the cup lightly on the tabletop surface a few times to get out the air bubbles (not really necessary, I just like to do that… )
Drink this mixture half an hour before you go to bed. It should make you feel nice and relaxed in body and mind, and I have found as well that my dreams are quite vivid, strange and the effect on my dream recall was a slight improvement because the dreams were simply more memorable.
Another option is this tea I found at Whole Foods near-by, called “Lucid Dream Tea” which is supposed to improve dream recall. I found that for me personally it did, but I have not found any scientific evidence to support the claim that it has any effect on sleep or dreams, in any case, the main and only ingredient in the tea is an herb called “Sweet Gale” and the tea is made by a company called “The Algonquin Company” which is based in Canada. Again, for me personally it had the desired effect of increased dream recall, but I cannot be sure if it is due to the tea or if it is simple a placebo effect.
Also, keep a dream journal, and write in it as often as you can. Try to incorporate the dreaming mind into waking reality. Even when you’re at work you can afford to think about dreaming at least, even if your hands are busy and you are unable to plug your nose, just will yourself to fly for example, or will your bosses head to explode, and if either happens, you’re either an extremely lucky person (or unlucky, because you just lost a job but you’ll probably be able to get workers compensation cause your bosses head just sploded) or you’re dreaming.