i rmember a while back i found this mp3 intended for lucid dreaming it was from this weird site and durring the mp3 the guy says creepy stuff like now youre going to lucid dream for eveen weather you want to or not… obviously done because if you belive it it will happen but its a really good aid while doing WILD just somebreathing excercises and relaxation techniques that can easily guide you to the hypaganoic
(sp?) state
i rmember sorta freaking out once i was in sleep paralysis but i stayed calm… anyways… i was wondering if anyone has heard of it before thanks
MMMhmm yea, there are tons of LD inductions on the net. You just have to find them. I find them unreliable, but the one I like the most is, “The Sharm.” Google it.
I know about the one mention and think it was called the “lucid dream curse” It used to be on this site called warp my mind: https://www.warpmymind.com/
I dont agree with that. You dream with your subconscious, the subconscious is more acceptive to inductions when in an altered state as “trance” wich you get in hypnosis. It worked great with me. If you belive it will work. It will. I tryed the lucid dreaming curse, and it worked great for me. I wrote about it in a post here.
seriously man,u guys gotta be carefull wid those mp3’s.
Those are very dangerous,i went to the site first time day b4 yesterday and it was full of kinky and dangerous stuff.
Download only those files which u feel are safe.
And dont download curse files,as the cannot be removed unless u wanna pay.
I downloaded the other lucid dreaming file.
Maniac is right. I don’t trust that guy one bit. Hypnosis is a powerful thing and in the wrong hands it can be a very dangerous weapon. It’s definately NOT a toy.
I got two, but I listened to them before I went to bed with them. Imagine this situation;
“You are aware that you are dreaming. You will be aware that you are dreaming. dreamy noises -one half hour- You will buy Mama’s best popcorn. You have an amazing need for Mama’s best popcorn. You will wake up and buy Mama’s best popcorn.”
Besides, I’m a programmer so I can spot if hidden information is coded into the MP3. And with those I burnt onto a disk (“You will remember to check your reality etc” and “And now you seem to be the butterfly”).
Are you unsure you can PM me with a link and I’ll smack them down if I find something that’s “unsuitable”