mp3 repetition

This christmas, I recieved an mp3 play that let you record messages as an mp3 format.

Anyway, tonight I am going to record some afirmations and play them as a loop, just simple things like “You are dreaming”, “You will remember this dream” “You can do anything in this dream”.

Generic afirmations such as that, anyway, I have tries somthing similar last night. I keep my dream journal on it and I played it in a loop, my dreams were basicly a clip show of all the ones recorded on it.

So I will report back tomorrow on any joy.

If it does work, I’ll upload them for you guys to try.

I also keep my Dreamjournal on my Mp3 player using the microphone. I’ve never tried any affirmations though.

Okay, tried it last night, total failure, the only dreams I remember were about people giving me afirmations about pineapples, which didn’t really help…

Good for you.

Do you ever have problems speaking while doing your dream journal? My throat is always dry when I wake up, meaning all my recordings are either in whispers or in this incredibly raspy voice. It’s gonna be a bitch when I finally get around to typing them out in text.

I should get me one of them thar “Water bottles”.

Why do you guys record your dreams on tape? Is it because you aer too tired to write? Or is the room too dark to write in, and if you turned on a light your dream would fade? I, personally, record dreams with a light up pen (from Staples) that lights up parts of the page without rousing myself too much.

LISTENENING to recordings never worked for me( to induce dreams ) either.

It’s SO easy to reach across to your bedside table, push a button, talk, then go back to sleep. You don’t even have to open your eyes. :happy:

I like using a voice activated recorder to record my dreams. I just talk, and it records. Totally idiot proof … which during sleepiness I’m a totaly idiot so it helps. :tongue:
I also do not want my eyes to not open at all, or else my dream recall can fade. It also records the time and date automatically, and I can see when I wake from dreams or how long I’ve been asleep.

Nothing helps my dream recall more than actually writing out my dreams though. :smile:

That seems like a good idea. are you just listening to the loops as you sleep? seems like it would work… but then again, it sounds like it would be just too easy! :tongue:

I wish I wasn’t too lazy to keep a dream journal… I tried the whole dream journal thing for a month or so and couldn’t tell it was helping any, if at all… But i have pretty good dream recall. I remeber at least 2 dreams per night on average. sometimes more.

I am starting to think maybe i should start keeping one again. But i am not going to wake myself up after each dream to write my dreams down… i will just wait until i wake up and write all the ones down that i remeber. Waking up like that through the entire night writing down dreams just seems kinda… unnatural i guess? In otherwords, TOO MUCH WORK.

nic, you can also jot down keywords during the night if you wake up, helps a lot to remember more when you write down your dreams in full lentgh and also, it doesnt take much time.