Multiple Techniques in one night?

Hello all, I’m new and have a question:

Would it increase the chances (or somehow decrease them) if you where to try multiple LD techniques? For example: Go to sleep using MILD then WBTB and then VILD? I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t do any harm but mabye to many will cancel each other out.

No, that’s actually a good idea. You also could try WBTB with MILD or even WBTB with WILD. :happy:

Experiment! :wink:

Yeah, you can have mroe then one… I wonder how many you could fit in in one night…

MILD till your nearly asleep… then do WILD, then wake up (WBTB) then perform VILD :happy:.

No, they can’t “cancel each other out”. It’ll be pretty obvious whether VILD worked or not, though. So you can say “It was VILD” or “It was WBTB and/or MILD” and decide which is best for you :smile: